1930 Ford Model A
Full interior & vinyl top in the old ways with all track and screws.
1956 Packard
Seat and Panel Restoration
2016 Porsche Boxter GTS
I removed all the stock upholstery from mid-dash down and reupholstered it in white leather. I used black top stitch on the doors and shift boot, and white top stitch on the seats and center console arm rest.
1939 Chevy Master Deluxe
I started by installing medical grade construction sound deadening material from floor to ceiling and covered that with carpet pad. Since the rear was tubbed to allow the car to sit lower, the original rear seat was unusable. So I made the rear seat and center console. The front seats and swivel mounts came from a boat supply shop. I upholstered everything in grey automotive velvet with wine welt and buttons. All mirror tiles are hand cut by me. The floor is grey carpet inserts with grey velvet wrinkles surrounding the inserts and button tuck floor mats to cover the carpet for show.